Lucas Janin | Blog News Archives - Lucas Janin

Blog News

  • 4 December 2024

    My blog has been inactive for exactly ten years. During this time, I have been active on social networks like Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, Reddit, and LinkedIn. When I redesigned my website in 2014, I decided to launch my blog in both French and English. However, this approach did not enhance the spontaneity of my posts. Additionally, some companies no longer allow me to …

  • 10 November 2014

    I started my website 15 years ago and  10 years for blogging in french. My different website was a mix of languages, mix of design and sub-domain. I decided to do a big change! Welcome to, a website including my work as a effect developer, my work as a photographer and my blog. Effects portfolio In this new portfolio, you can see …